World Boxing Gym

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Written By JamesNavarro

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World Boxing Gym at the Italian Festival this summer and he invited him to visit his gym and give me a workout. I was inspired by Ronda Rousey’s dream to be in the ring at this gym so I called Greg Pallante, my friend and photographer, to join me. He is actually a member of the gym, which is quite funny!

Adam took me around the place and let me punch some boxes. We also starred in the world boxing gym arena. It was the most exhausting interview I have ever had! After the interview, I was hooked. I plan to return for more. This gym is great because it’s a place where everyone is welcomed, there is no judgement, and that is the best thing about it.

Please give me a tour.

Here you will find all of our cardio equipment, including treadmills and ellipticals.

It was once a warehouse. The second floor was used for boxing. Marciano’s moved down and took over.

What’s the purpose of World Boxing Gym ?

This is the studio where we hold our yoga class. You can see that the speakers are wired up with headsets and all. This was the first thing I did. It used to just be a wall with mirrors on it. You could see through it. That was my first job as a contractor. The glass wall was put up, and the wall was taken down.

This is boxing. It’s straight up boxing. They will put you on a rotating basis: one bag will have you, another bag will have you, someone else will be on a second bag, someone will be doing ring work, pad work, and others will be jumping ropes.

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Please tell me more about this ring. Yes, this ring has been around since Rocky Marciano’s brother Peter opened the place in ’89/’90. It used to be boxing on the second floor. The rest of the place was filled with bags and other stuff. They had two rings. The barracks on the third floor were where the boxers slept. They also brought many people from overseas to train. In the early 1990s, it was a legitimate world boxing gym. Many pro athletes trained here: Arturo Gatti, Michael Moore, and Mike Tyson all trained here. Tyson also trained here for one fight against Teddy Atlas. Andrew Golota, a Polish heavyweight wrestler, bought it partly from Peter Marciano. I brought it to him from Andrew Golota and Ziggy Rozalski, who is a promoter of boxing.